Rubik Variant Images Logo

Improve Shopping Experience
by Showing Only
Relevant Variant Images

Display only the images that match the selected variant, creating a seamless shopping experience and helping customers make faster decisions.

Rubik Variant Images Shopify Multiple Variant Images App Banner New
Install on Shopify App Store now.
Seamless Shopify experience
  • Assign & sort multiple images per variant

    Show only relevant images for each option (color, width, height) with a user-friendly interface.

  • Reduce return rates with clear variant images

    Display only relevant photos while keeping common images (e.g., size charts) visible across all variants.

  • Reliable support & compatibility

    Works with all popular themes, and our support team can assist with custom themes. Live customer support available.

Our clients say it best

Display only relevant variant images to streamline shopping and boost conversions. Ideal for stores with multiple variant options like color or style. Easily assign images per variant with a click-based interface. Seamlessly integrates with all popular themes for a cleaner user experience.

Before Rubik & After Rubik

Use the handle to see the difference before and after Rubik.

Shopify Multiple Variant Images Rubik Variant ImagesShopify Multiple Variant Images Rubik Variant Images
Password: 1234 (If asked)
Frequently Asked Questions

What is the main feature of the Rubik Variant Images app?

The app allows merchants to assign multiple images to each product variant and display only the relevant images on the product page, streamlining the shopping experience and reducing confusion.

How can I install Rubik Variant Images?

To install the Rubik Variant Images app, visit the Shopify App Store and search for "Rubik Variant Images." Click on the "Install" button on the app page. You will be redirected to your Shopify admin. Click "Install app" to proceed with the installation. Once installed, follow the on-screen instructions to configure the app and start assigning multiple images to your product variants.

Will this app impact my website's performance?

No, our app is optimized for maximum performance. It uses Shopify metafields for image storage and operates asynchronously, ensuring your site speed remains unaffected.

I have multiple variant options like color + sleeve length, how can I configure a product with multiple options?

The app supports multiple variant options. Assign images for each unique combination (e.g., Red + Long Sleeve) in the configuration panel. Watch the tutorial video for more details.

How to assign an image to multiple variants?

Unassigned images are shown for all variants. If you want an image to be visible for multiple specific variants but not all, contact support, and we will assist you.

Can I assign videos or 3D models to specific variants?

Yes, but this feature is not enabled for all merchants by default. Contact us to enable it for your store.

How to change the order of images?

Drag and drop the images in the desired order within the app interface.

If I update my theme, do I need to make changes in Rubik Variant Images?

No changes are required. If you experience an issue, contact support.

How to enable app embed on my theme?

Go to your Shopify admin > Online Store > Themes > Customize > App Embeds. Enable 'Rubik Variant Images' from the list of app embeds. Alternatively, you can click on the 'Enable on New Theme' button on the app’s dashboard.

How can I disable the app?

You can disable the app widget from the app dashboard.

My theme is not on the list of supported themes. What should I do?

Please contact support, and we'll do our best to make the app work with your theme. If your theme is not from the Shopify Theme Store, please upload it to Google Drive or Dropbox and share the link with us.

All images are still visible, no change.

This is likely due to caching. Please allow 3-5 minutes for the changes to take effect. If the issue persists, contact support.

Does the app work well with swatch apps?

The app may conflict with some swatch apps that modify variant images. Contact our support team for compatibility guidance.

What are the availability hours for live chat support?

Our live chat support operates during standard business hours in the Central European Time Zone (CET).

What to do if I change my theme?

Enable the app embed for the new theme and test your product pages. Use the 'Enable on new theme' button in the dashboard.

There is a bug on my product page, how do I know if it is caused by your app?

Disable the app embed temporarily. If the issue resolves, contact support. Alternatively, add the parameter '?stop_rubik=true' to the product page URL to deactivate the app temporarily and test.

Why did the main image of the variant change?

The first image assigned to a variant becomes the main image. Adjust the image order to control the main variant image.

How can I change my plan?

Go to the app's settings in Shopify admin and select the desired plan under 'Manage Plan.'
© 2025 Rubik Variant Images by Craftshift®. All rights reserved.